Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What is a Domain?

A Domain is where you hang out. If you hang out in New York City then NYC is your domain. In computer jargon a domain is the network where your computer hangs out, either a local subnet or on the internet.
A domain is a group of networked computers that contain a common communication address and share common resources. Domains are based on a hierarchical naming scheme or a tree structure called the Domain Namespace. In a namespace, names are used to represent other types of information such as IP Numbers.
Computers use IP or Internet Protocol numbers to find each other in a network. These numbers typically look like To make it easy on humans the IP numbers are given friendly names known as Domain Names. and are domain names and are much easier to remember than
Networks use a distributed data base known as the Domain Name System to translate the human friendly names into IP numbers computers can use. Computers will query other computers known as Name Servers to translate the domain names to numbers. The whole Domain Name System is designed to be transparent to the end user. The only thing the user has to remember is the Domain Name of the site they wish to visit.
NameSeek makes it easy for website owners and entrepreneurs to find exciting and memorable names that will bring business and traffic to your domain again and again.

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