With all the competition from the domain name registrars and their affiliates, it is not very hard to find cheap domains these days. In fact, most registrars are boasting “lower-than-ever prices” and other great deals. Finding cheap domains is as simple as typing the term “cheap domain” into a search engine and choosing from a long list of online candidates.
As with any other commodity, when supply exceeds demand, prices tend to drop. The expansion of top-level domain extensions and second-level domain character space has created greater possibilities for domain names. It is now possible to choose any combination of 67 characters for a domain name. The original limit was 26 characters. Because of this, consumers are aware that domain names are not such a rare commodity and will search for companies who offer rock-bottom, cheap domain registration prices.
The good news is that cheap domains are not necessarily bad domains. Because there is a greater supply of available domain names, registrars are required to maintain a high level of service less the customer seek registration elsewhere. Cheap domains can be bought with comprehensive technical features and support. Some of the features offered include domain forwarding, domain locking, total DNS control, and twenty-four hour customer support.
Cheap domains vary in price depending on the top-level domain extension. Prices begin at $4.95 per year for an extension like .info. The .com, .net, and .org extension usually costs about $7.95 per year. They are slightly higher in price because they are the most popular and widely-used extensions. Registrars offer several different ways to register a cheap domain. You can register a new domain name or transfer a domain name to the registrar’s database. You may also backorder an active domain name. You will be advised of when it expires so that you can claim it at that time.
Cheap domains are just about everywhere you turn on the Internet. Compile a list of possible domain names, try several extensions and you will be on your way to owning a low-cost domain.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
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