There really is no one specific way to find the best domain name web hosting. This is because your web hosting needs depend on several factors. You must consider what you plan to do with your website. Is it for business or personal use? How much bandwidth will you need? Will it be a simple sight for viewing only or will it be highly interactive? People who need to promote products have entirely different needs from those who use the website to actually sell products. There are so many things to consider, but once you’ve considered these things you should be able to determine which type of domain name web hosting you need.
If you plan to create a fairly simple website for viewing text and pictures, you have two options. Those not familiar with html coding should choose a free domain name web hosting company like Yahoo! Geocities or Homestead. These companies and others like them offer templates with different layout and color options to choose from. You have some room for customization, but you will not be able to add any advanced features to the website. Those familiar with html coding may want to opt for a low cost shared host. There are similar restrictions, but knowledge of html allows for a slightly larger degree of customization.
Small to mid-size businesses must consider a few more things. Companies with low interactivity and low Internet traffic may use a shared host. However, more graphic intensive sites and sites with high Internet traffic should consider domain name web hosting on a virtual private server. A virtual private server is also a shared host, but your domain shares the server with far fewer domains. Therefore, the server can handle more features on your website.
Medium-sized and large companies will want domain name web hosting on a dedicated server. Extremely large corporations may need several dedicated servers. Dedicated servers ensure that only your domain is carried on a server. The server’s sole purpose is to support your website. You never have to worry about slow bandwidth or interruptions from unrelated domains.
If you plan to provide commercial transactions on your website, ask yourself two things. How much volume (number of products) do you plan to sell during a specified period of time? How many customers you will have? These factors will determine if you only need a simple PayPal interface or if you need more. If you expect high product and customer volume, you might need to add a shopping cart, online catalogue, credit-card interface, and security certificates.
Getting the best domain name web hosting totally depends on your needs as an individual or organization. Once you figure out what those needs are, finding a host should be fairly easy.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
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